The magic of traffic recording, analysis and replay
ReadImagine you could record all the traffic on your database, analyze it and replay it. How much easier would your life be? It's surely worth some effort to set up proper tooling to make this possible. But, what if I tell you, that all this magic can be done with just turning on a single switch?
Streamlining Data Models with Native Soft-Delete Support in evitaDB
ReadNative soft-delete support in evitaDB simplifies application data models, enhances performance, and reduces complexity by handling archived entities directly within the database.
Order by Biggest Discount in evitaDB
ReadWe're excited to introduce a powerful new feature in evitaDB — the
ordering constraint. This feature allows you to sort your product listings based on the discount amount, helping you highlight the best deals to your customers. In this post, we'll explore how to use this feature effectively, with real-world examples, practical query snippets, and insights into different pricing strategies, including handling products with variants and product sets.Migration to Armeria Server
ReadevitaDB started its journey with the Undertow server from JBoss. It was chosen because of its performance and ease of use. However, due to the gRPC API, we still had to run a separate Netty server under the hood. This was far from ideal, and we hoped that with Undertow 3.0, which promised to move to Netty, we could unify all APIs under one server. Unfortunately, the development of Undertow 3.0 has not progressed in years and we had to look for alternatives.
evitaLab after 6 months
ReadevitaLab is still being actively developed alongside evitaDB and there are many new features that are worth mentioning. There are features for learning evitaDB as well as for debugging data.
We are changing versioning scheme
ReadI have always used the semantic versioning (SemVer) scheme for my projects. However, after discussing with my friend Lukáš Hornych and conducting further research with the team, we have decided to change the versioning scheme for evitaDB. The new scheme will be a Calendar Versioning. If you are interested in following our debate, read on.
Year 2023 - wrapped
ReadA lot has happened this year - and a lot is being prepared for next year. For those who want to follow the development of the project, we have prepared a summary of the most important events of the year 2023 and a brief overview of the plans for next year.
Our new web client, evitaLab
ReadIt's always a bit painful to troubleshoot a problem with your production data inside a database if you don't have a handy tool to look inside easily, and instead, you have to write different kinds of queries using different tools to get the information that you need. We feel the same way. That's why we've created a hopefully handy GUI client for evitaDB called evitaLab, so you have a buddy when you're either just playing with evitaDB or you're already debugging production data.
Testable documentation
ReadThis article is a continuation of a series of articles about the documentation portal of our database. This time we will look at it from a different point of view - from the perspective of the developer who creates the documentation, and whose interest is that the documentation written is correct and does not become outdated over time.
Discover the Advanced Features on our Developers Portal
In my previous blog post, I explained why I chose Next.js and MDX to process Markdown files documenting the core features and functionalities of evitaDB and its advantages. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the components we use to enhance developers' and users' experience.ReadValidating examples in documentation using JUnit 5 and JShell
ReadThe documentation on evitaDB site is getting bigger and bigger. The more examples we add, the more we're afraid they will become obsolete or broken. How do we tame this beast of hundreds of examples?
Building a Developer-friendly Documentation Portal with Next.js and MDX
As a developer, I understand the importance of up-to-date documentation. But creating a documentation portal that's easy to maintain and update can be a challenge. I'm a firm believer that when developers can write and publish documentation in a snap, it motivates them to take the time to document critical information. That's why I took on the challenge of building the new developers documentation portal for evitadb.io.ReadThousands integrations tests under 30 seconds? Yes, you can.
ReadA fast test suite is a critical aspect that motivates developers to write more tests and run the suite frequently. The ideal test suite should finish in a matter of seconds or low units of minutes.
Choosing HTTP server for evitaDB
We plan to provide several ways to communicate with evitaDB clients. For that we needed some universal HTTP server that would serve at least most of the requests.ReadDesigning the Evita Query Language for the GraphQL API
In evitaDB (like in many other databases), in order to get any data, you need to somehow ask which data you want. The GraphQL language is, however, specific and needs a specific syntax.ReadThe origins of the evitaDB
Our company set foot in the e-commerce world around 2010. By that time we were in web development for more than 10 years, starting even before the .com bubble.Read