Facet lookup summary
Facet lookup summary is a data structure containing information on facet groups and facets in a given hierarchy section or entity set. It outlines the object structure, including FacetGroupStatistics and FacetStatistics, and provides details on their respective components and the Impact section, which contains projected entity statistics for modified facet requirements.
The facet lookup summary contains list of facet groupsToggle Term Reference and
facetsToggle Term Reference inside them, that are present on entities in the current hierarchy
section or the entire entity set. The structure of the object is as follows:
Facet group statistics
- int facet group id
- List of FacetStatistics
- Impact the impact on the query result if no facet in this group is requested (empty if no facet of this group is requested by the current query)
Facet statistics
- int facet id
- boolean requested (TRUE if facet presence is currently requested in search query)
- Impact the impact on query result if this facet is requested as well (empty if facet is requested by the current query)
contains statistics of the entities that would be returned by a query with modified facet requirements.
- int projected number of entities in result
- int projected number of added entities in result in comparison to current result
- int projected number of removed entities from result in comparison to current result
- boolean selection has sense - TRUE if there is at least one entity still present in the result if the query is altered by modified facet requirements