evitaDB - Fast e-commerce database

Entity API design

The article explains basic concepts of evitaDB entities, session handling, immutability and versioning mechanism. It also contains examples of working with the entity API from Java code.

All model classes are designed to be immutable. The reason for this is simplicity, implicit correct behaviour in concurrent access (in other words, entities can be cached without the fear of race condition situations) and easy identity checks (where only the primary key and the version is necessary to claim two data objects of the same type, if they are identical).

All model classes are described by interfaces and there should not be any reason for using direct classes or instantiating them directly. The interfaces follow this structure:

  • ModelNameContract - contains all read methods, represents the base contract for the model
  • ModelNameEditor - contains all modification methods
  • ModelNameBuilder - combines Contract + Editor, and it is actually used for building the instance


All model classes are versioned - in other words, when any change in the model instance occurs, a new instance created from this altered state will have its version number incremented. Version information is not only on the EntityContract.java level, but also on more granular levels (such as AttributesContract.java ReferenceContract.java AssociatedDataContract.java. All model classes that support versioning implement the Versioned.java interface.

This version information is used for two purposes:

  1. fast hashing + equality check: only the primaryKey + version information suffices to tell whether two instances are equal, and we can tell that with enough confidence even if only a part of the entity was really loaded from the persistent storage (if you need thorough comparison that compares all model data, you need to take advantage of the differsFrom method in the ContentComparator.java interface)
  2. optimistic locking: when there is a concurrent update of the same entity, we could automatically resolve the conflict, provided that the changes themselves do not overlap

This information may prove useful when this database goes into to distributed mode.


No data is really removed once it is created and stored. When you remove the reference / attribute / whatever, it stays in the entity and is just marked as dropped. See the implementations of the Droppable.java interface.

This decision has two roots:

  • it's good to have the last version of the data when things go wrong, because we can still restore the previous value
  • it's easy implementation-wise, and it doesn't require data deletion

This decision quite complicates the work with the model data which is planned as follows:

  • application loads entity from the database
  • application deletes some data -> data stays in the entity but are marked as dropped
  • application stores entity to the database, data is marked as dropped
  • application loads entity again -> data doesn't contain any deleted items even if they are actually in DB, evitaDB will clean dropped data before handing the entity to the application
  • application may create new data with the same "primary key" as previously removed data and store them back to the DB
  • EvitaDB will overwrite previously dropped data with new ones - versioning continues from the dropped version (i.e. it doesn't start from one)
Nevertheless, it only complicates the internal code of evitaDB, and it should not impact developer code that uses our API. There may even be a new require constraint that allows access to dropped data in the future (not planned currently). There will also be an automatic cleaning process that will go through "dirty" entities and clean up dropped data from time to time.

Working with entities from code

It's expected that most of the entity instances will be created by the evitaDB service classes - such as EvitaSession.java Anyway, there is always the possibility of creating them directly.

Usually the entity creation will look like this:

1// create evita instance with empty test catalog2final Evita evita = new Evita(3	EvitaConfiguration4		.builder()5		.build()6);7
8evita.defineCatalog("testCatalog")9	.withEntitySchema("brand")10	.updateViaNewSession(evita);11

And then followed by an operation, which will create a new entity:

1evita.updateCatalog(2	"testCatalog",3	session -> {4		session.upsertEntity(5			session.createNewEntity("brand", 1)6				.setAttribute("code", "siemens")7				.setAttribute("name", Locale.ENGLISH, "Siemens")8				.setAttribute("logo", "https://www.siemens.com/logo.png")9				.setAttribute("productCount", 1)10		);11	}12);13

This way, the created entity can be immediately checked against the schema. This form of code is a condensed version, and it may be split into several parts, which will reveal the "builder" used in the process.

Creating entities in detached mode

Entities can be also created even when an EvitaDB instance is not at hand:

1final SealedEntity brand = new InitialEntityBuilder("brand", 1)2	.setAttribute("code", "siemens")3	.setAttribute("name", Locale.ENGLISH, "Siemens")4	.setAttribute("logo", "https://www.siemens.com/logo.png")5	.setAttribute("productCount", 1)6	.toInstance();7
The SealedEntity.java form is not possible to directly upsert to evitaDB. The API only accepts the EntityMutation.java but that is easily available by calling toMutation() instead of toInstance() (alternatively, the EntityBuilder itself, and the toMutation() is executed internally).


Communication with evitaDB instance goes always through the EvitaSession.java interface. Sessions are created by the clients to envelope a "piece of work" with evitaDB. In the web environment, it's a good idea to have one session per request, in batch processing it's recommended to keep a single session for an entire batch.
There may be multiple transactions (Transaction.java during a single session instance's life, but transaction overlap is not supported - there can be, at most, a single transaction open in a single session simultaneously.
Note for implementation teams: transactional access doesn't need to be implemented in the initial research stage.

Read only vs. Read-Write sessions

We distinguish between the sessions by checking, if they allow writes ahead of session creation, or not. Read only sessions are opened by calling the Evita.java queryCatalog, and read-write sessions by calling the updateCatalog method. No writes will be allowed in a read-only session. This also allows evitaDB to optimize its behaviour when working with the database.

In the future, the read only sessions may be spread out to multiple read nodes, while the read-write sessions will need to communicate with the master node.

Author: Ing. Jan Novotný

Date updated: 15.12.2022

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